The hexadecimal number is also a number representation technique, like binary, octal, and many more. It is represented by 16 symbols, which are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F, and only requires 4 bits to represent the number system in binary form. Humans find the hexadecimal system much more convenient than binary, as a binary-only has two digits to convey complete information. In contrast, hexadecimal has sixteen characters, making data more human-friendly. One can transform the number system of any base into another number system with a different base and convert the hexadecimal number system into octal, binary, and raw alphanumeric data. Decoding means translating the unreadable message to a readable format. Every Hex Decoding is the process of converting hexadecimal data into raw data using various transformations. There can be many ways the hex decoding can be done.

How to Decode Hex Code?

Hex encoded messages can be decoded using various formats and translated into any number system with a different base. To solve hex code to the raw form, the following steps follow:

Convert Hex code to binary format using 4 bits. Then convert the binary data to decimal form using the positional notation method.

Representation of Hexadecimal to 4-bit binary and raw decimal format is represented in the table: Hexadecimal Code Binary Code Decimal (Raw) Format 0 0000 0 1 0001 1 2 0010 2 3 0011 3 4 0100 4 5 0101 5 6 0110 6 7 0111 7 8 1000 8 9 1001 9 A 1010 10 B 1011 11 C 1100 12 D 1101 13 E 1110 14 F 1111 15 Using the table, the user can decode any hexadecimal code. For example, Convert 5AB16 Hex Code to Decimal Format?

Step 1: Write Hex Code in 4-bit Binary Form

(5AB)16 – (0101 1010 1011)2

Step 2: Using the Positional method of the base two system, add the values   

0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0×211 1×210 0×29 1×28 1×27 0×26 1×25 0×24 1×23 0×22 1×21 1×20

Step 3: Add the converted format.

0 1024 0 256 128 0 32 0 8 0 2 1 0 + 1024 + 0 + 256 + 128 + 0 + 32 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 145110 Similarly, one can decode hex code to text. After converting hex code to decimal, get the character of decimal ASCII code from ASCI table, respectively.

How to Read Hex Code?

Hex color codes start with a hashtag (#), which is followed by six alphanumeric data. The generalized format for the color hex code is #RRGGBB, where primary colors denote the number of colors present. For example, the hex code for red color is #FF0000; this will help every program identify which shade of color the program is talking about. This means the amount of RR is maximum indicated by FF, and the amount of GG and BB in the generalized format is minimum indicated by 00.

For What Hex Code is Used For?

Hex codes are a popular system used to identify colors. Each hex code of 4 bits denotes a specific color. This system helps to universalize the colors to every programmer, as it helps in maintaining the program.

Common Hex Color Codes

There are few standard colors hex codes, which every programmer has to memorize. This can help in predicting what programmer can decode color from the hex-encoded color code.  Color Hex Code Red  #FF0000 Green #008000 Blue #0000FF White #FFFFFF Black #000000 Yellow #FFFF00

Arithmetic operations performed on Hex.

Unlike any other number system, arithmetic operations are also performed on hex code.


The operations are performed as per the rules of the specific number system. Moreover, the two strings on which operation is being performed should be of the same number system for operation. If not, two strings must be converted to the same number system.


Decoding is a term used to find the valuable meaning in a secret message. Humans are familiar with decimal number systems and able to work on that system efficiently. But computers work on the binary number system; humans have developed octal and hexadecimal number systems to ease things. Hex Code is also decoded using particular steps to convert the data into raw format. The operation is called Hex Decoding.

What is the base of the hexadecimal number system?

 The base of the hexadecimal number in the system is 16.

How many bits are required to represent the hex code?

Minimum 4 bits are required to represent the hex code.

Can Hex code be translated into any system?

Yes, Hex code can be translated to any system using appropriate conversion techniques.