The INTJ character type is one of the sixteen personality types created by Isabel Briggs-Meyers and Katherine Briggs, based on Carl Jung’s personality type theory. In this article, we will explore some fictional characters associated with this particular personality type. INTJ Characters are often observed by viewers as ambitious but private, not to mention superb in appearance. Children are curious about the world around them but are often shunned due to their intense rationality and feelings.  In addition to that, along with fellow introverted-intuitive types, they can easily be perceived on the surface as strategic intellectuals with a clear vision in life.

More about INTJ Character

They are nicknamed “The Mastermind” or “Architect” because of their keen insight and non-stop analysis of things. Their perceptions are expressed from a rational standpoint. They see a situation from many different angles and come up with a careful plan for execution.  This personality type loves to study and reflect on topics that they are naturally interested in. They do not like being tied down or forced to follow a set of rules that they do not agree with or do not align with their principles, which makes them invested in the novel, creative works. When they are still trying to develop themselves, and especially if in a case of a turbulent INTJ, It can be difficult for them to express their thoughts and feelings to others, but in the core, a type INTJ will nevertheless prefer to act and make decisions as logically as possible, to be impactful.

INTJ Characters on this list:

Scar, The Lion King Re-L Mayer, Ergo Proxy Yennefer of Vengerberg, The Witcher Elizabeth Harmon, The Queen’s Gambit Walter White, Breaking Bad Shoshanna Dreyfus, Inglourious Basterds Kaguya Shinomiya, Kaguyama Sama: Love is War Fitzwilliam Darcy, Pride and Prejudice Curtis, Take Shelter


We just had to begin with an evil antagonist! Scar shows bitterness and envy for his older brother Mufasa. He is upset because he doesn’t get to be the king of Pride Rock and is left on the sidelines doing nothing and never, ever become king.  This left Scar in a dead-end position. He has found himself in a situation wherein he had to plan the death of the lion king Mufasa and exterminate the future king Simba to acquire the chance of becoming king. What was he to do? Accept only to be a monkey’s uncle for the rest of his life? No. He made sure he acted fast but also that his plan was carefully prepared and executed.

Re-L Mayer

Re-L is known all around Rondeau City as the prancing, bossy, and elite career woman and the Regent’s granddaughter. She is a powerful, badass character who displays her penetrating interest in what is known as a proxy. She does not know why she’s so drawn to the concept. It is almost as if she possesses the subconscious desire to know the origins of the proxies to find out its connections to the sole reason she exists.  While the enigma of Ergo Proxy is yet to unfold, she internalizes her perceptions and discoveries. Then, she lets it all out on the passive and awkwardly romantic Vincent Law.

Yennefer of Vengerberg

The Witcher is another world of fantasy. Yennefer is one of the main characters in the series. This magnificent purple-eyed and raven-haired sorceress started as an ugly, badly-treated hunchback. Fate unfolded, and she was now on the road to becoming an enchantress. Finally, finally, she knows what she wants. She daydreamed about becoming beautiful and being a good student in sorcery class. Still, she had to be patient and work her way up. She knows she didn’t want to be ugly forever, so she dismissed what they tell her about the dangers of becoming beautiful and endured all the pain it took. Still, she didn’t know that the price of beauty was that she could no longer bear children of her own. And so she went on, restless in the pursuit and not having the time to notice the simplicity in front of her. At the end of season one, she’s realized that what was in front of her mattered more than the beauty and immortality she had first sought for. “I’m sorry you didn’t have a life, but if truth be told, you’re not missing much.” And despite her melancholy about all that she’d lost, she turned out to become a mighty sorceress.

Elizabeth Harmon

Elizabeth Harmon was orphaned at a young age, but she didn’t know that she was a child prodigy until she was introduced to chess. Harmon is a clear INTJ as she sets goals for herself, finds she doesn’t conform with the girl cliques in school, and used her confidence to compete in a chess tournament even without having a rating, to begin with. On the chessboard, she is strategic, analyzing the best next possible move to submerge the opponent. Her face shows intense focus, even when she is in bed at night imagining three to five chessboards on her ceiling. The school was a piece of cake for her. The only thing in her mind is chess. Despite having to suffer the “Se grip,” i.e., over-indulging in alcohol and pills when she’s depressed and unoccupied, she doesn’t care if other people will laugh at her or judge her, as long as she knows what she’s doing and what her long-term goals are. One of them is to compete in Russia to become World Champion.

Walter White

He is our favorite chemistry professor on screen. Walter White is a highly overqualified professor at a local high school that his son, Junior, attends. The show starts with him being frustrated and unsatisfied with his life, feeling like a loser, and struggling financially to keep his family secure. In addition, he was informed he has lung cancer, which worsened his feelings of worthlessness. One day, he found out about the news regarding crystal meth and was surprised by how much money criminals make. In one act, he got himself in a situation wherein he crafted the purest crystal meth of all and decided to accept facing the great dangers of dealing with gangsters and other criminals. He decides to risk his life along with his partner and former student, Jesse Pinkman. And no matter how much money he had already made, and how much he had already violated the law, and how much it was affecting his marriage with his wife Skylar, he found himself going back to the business again and again because it just made him happy and alive.

Shosanna Dreyfus

Shosanna Dreyfus is a fierce character in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds. She was a Jew who escaped from her traumatic past, and now she is planning on seeking revenge on the Nazis for what she had gone through and what they had done to her family.  On the surface, she is cold, private, and cerebral. She owns a cinema but little did anyone know that she is a Jew crafting her master plan of revenge. Shosanna is focused on her vision and doesn’t let herself be bothered by other things. She shows herself to be commanding about what she wants to achieve. Despite being alone, she logically decides to keep going and be strong. That is a sign of her having an extroverted thinking cognitive function.

Kaguya Shinomiya

Shinomiya is the vice president of an elite school. She excels at anything, sports, and academics, but that is likely because she was born into a wealthy family and is privileged enough to have a personal assistant. This type of system works out for her the best. She is quiet and sharp. She is also quite imaginative. Her love interest is the President of the school and is associated with the type ENTJ. She is often nervous about what could be going on in Shinomiya’s mind.  He sees her as sweet, dreamy, and perfect because she is an eloquent, goal-oriented achiever. Still, on the other hand, he also perceives her as cunning, calculating, and evil.

Fitzwilliam Darcy

If you haven’t read and seen the movie yet, it would be brilliant to read about Jane Austen’s classic work and understand what all the remarks are all about. The protagonist is sweet, adventurous, and clever Miss Elizabeth Bennet, who is typed as an ENFP. Their family is looking forward to getting their daughters married. An opportunity came when they received an invitation to attend a ball at the earlier stages of the story. It was there that everyone witnessed the intimidating and mysterious Mr. Darcy. Whenever he appeared, the crowd just went quiet. Like Shinomiya, he was born into a fortune. Still, he shows the difficulty in expressing his thoughts and feelings, especially to Elizabeth. He was wrongly perceived by her or anyone who met him because he isn’t very communicative and displays an air of rude arrogance. In the core, though, you can see his vulnerability, which he is trying to hide. He has expressed that he is not good at socializing at events. Elizabeth sensibly responded by questioning why he doesn’t try practicing at all?


Curtis is a character from the movie Take Shelter. He is a family man who works at a construction site. He is quiet, private, and highly dedicated to protecting his family. Then, in an unexpected turn of events, he gets nightmares during his sleep at night from an unknown cause. People around him assume he has a mental illness, but Curtis took these nightmares as signs that the storms he sees in his dreams will happen in real life. He is stubborn and went super far as to decide secretly investing in building a shelter for “the apocalypse,” putting the relationship he has with his wife and child at risk. As a result, he lost his job. It is easy for viewers to not believe in Curtis and may perceive him to be “crazy,” but in the end, it turns out that his prediction was correct all along.

What is essential for a type INTJ Character?

INTJs need to express their thoughts through action rather than stay in their comfort zone to grow. INTJ are commonly stereotyped as stubborn or rude, but it is most likely because they haven’t gone out of their shell or out of themselves. Despite the stereotypes, there are different types of INTJ out there. What is essential to recognize in this personality type is that they always get to the point. When there is a desire for action, they will act upon it and not let any distractions get in the way.


INTJs know that despite the much sensationalism they gathered from the internet about their characteristics, it all lies in whether they’ve honed their talents and essential skills that it takes to become successful in all areas of life. INTJs know what steps to go through to improve their functioning and get ahead in life. What test should I take to accurately know my personality type for fun? Go to Google Search and type “Keys2cognition” created by students from UCL and take the test. It is a good test because it explains the cognitive functions you use rather than self-typing by letter alone. Where can I know more about this personality type? There are people on youtube who make videos talking about the INTJ personality type in depth. Great choices are AsuraPsych and Lijo. You can also research several article sources online if you’re still new to the topic.