What Does Home Depot Do With Returns?

Home Depot allows customers to return their purchased product under certain circumstances. However, after being returned, the items are usually kept back on the shelves with some discount rate, if they are intact. In other cases, they send used products to B-Stock. They send the products for online auctions, which usually takes place in liquidation marketplaces. Moreover, other customers can then buy the returned products at a comparatively lower price. There are various reasons why Home Depot does not give away some products for B-stock. In the case of damaged products, or the ones which have several issues in terms of their safety, Home Depot disposes of those items. It becomes risky for them to resell those items even at a discounted rate. 

Home Depot B-Stock

B-Stock comprises returned items. Home Depot does not sell unopened items like a new ones. It is either sold at a discounted price or passed on as B-Stock. This is done mainly to avoid loss and, it is sold in liquidation marketplaces.Through these liquidation marketplaces, Home Depot avoids any loss on its products. Some products return to the shelves but, since they can only sell a few of them at a lower price, passing them on to the B-Stock for online auction, helps Home Depot restore their profits. 

What Products Are Thrown Away By Home Depot?

Some products that are not considered safe and have been damaged to a large extent is disposed of by Home Depot. They can’t pass it to B-Stock as well, since the value of the product is close to nothing because of the damage. Hence, it is not resold or auctioned.This is especially seen in electrical items since there can be an issue after it has been resold as well. In certain cases, the owner or the vendor also permits Home Depot to destroy certain items. 

Where Can I Buy Returned Items?

Home Depot B-Stock sells the products through various liquidation marketplaces. Since the auction is only done online, buyers can visit various websites. Some of them include liquidationbuying.com, Bstock.com, Liquidation.com. A majority of the online marketplaces will have the items that have been passed on to Home Depot B-Stock. The current bid along with the number of bids are shown under the items in those online marketplaces. Additionally, the location of the truckload and the cost per unit is mentioned as well. Moreover, resellers make great deals in these online auctions, since they can get a large number of products at a considerably low rate. Resellers profit at an exceptional rate since the prices are comparatively low.This is also one of the main reasons why a selected number of items aren’t passed on to the B-Stock. Items that have been damaged to some extent will be dangerous to resell, especially electrical products, hence, those are disposed of, as soon as possible. 

How Does Auction Work?

Most of the time, the B-Stock is available for online auction through liquidation markets. The warehouses of Home Depot process orders made through liquidation auctions. Additionally, most auctions begin at $50, depending on the product. However, sometimes if the product is intact, more people show interest to buy it again.  During those times, the value is likely to increase. Moreover, after the payment process is complete, Home Depot offers shipment within three to four business days. The truck is unloaded by the buyers and you cannot directly collect the auction. 


What Does Home Depot Do With Returns,Not all Home Depot returns are sold or returned to shelves due to safety concerns. In those cases, the products are disposed of immediately. While they may put some items back on the shelves, a majority of the items are passed on to B-Stock. Home Depot resells those products through online auction liquidation. There are four liquidation warehouses in the US.   1.What Is The Return Period And Process In Home Depot? A.The period of return in Home Depot is 90 days. The customers can either return the product online or in the store itself. However, the product should be new and unopened. 2.Does Home Depot Throw All Returned Products? A.Home Depot disposes of certain returned items that are damaged that may raise concerns of safety. Other products are passed on to B-Stock for resale at a lower price through online auctions. 3.Is It Possible To Buy The Returned Products From Home Depot? A.Certain returned products are sold at liquidation marketplaces online. Resellers can buy the same through an auction.  4.Are Returned Products Sold At A Discounted Price? A.Home Depot sells returned products at a discounted price. Moreover, they sell items in liquidation marketplaces at a comparatively low price.