If you want to combine the colors red and pink you will produce a color that is vigorous enough but not as aggressive as the color crimson. To arrive at such an understanding we need to examine the two colors that constitute the combination. The color pink, obviously the product of combining a primary color which is red, and the neutral color white. If you combine the pigments of these two colors, you will notice that the aggressiveness is diluted by the expansiveness of the color white. The by-product of this dilution is a delicate color. The red is associated with masculinity therefore, its counterpart is its feminine offspring, pink which represents femininity.  Red is always a color that catches the attention of anyone who sees it. It is a primary color along with blue and yellow. The aggressiveness of this color is always toned down by lighter colors to balance the effect of this color on the visual stimuli. Red on its own is an independent color, alone and roaring its truth. It is a primordial color that fathered many hues, shades, and tints that each on its own has varying degrees of personality. Combining these related colors creates a subtle rosy red color. The assertive red is married by the softness of pink, resulting in producing a color named Amaranth.

What is Amaranth?

Amaranth is a color that is a variant of the crimson family in the color spectrum. It is a reddish-rose color, it has the quality of being bright on its own even if it’s placed near a blue or green. The name of the color is derived from the flower of the plant with the same name. The name of the plant itself came from the Greek words amarantos which means to not deteriorate. This plant has a variety of use in cuisine and medicine, it’s seeds are consumed in parts of Asia and America like lentils. Its leaves, roots, and stems are used in cooking in many parts of the world. Its oil is used as a dietary supplement to substitute for expensive shark oil while its flowers are made into the dye to produce a deep red color. 

Cultural Associations 

In Ancient Greece, it is a sacred color associated with immortality. While its oriental counterpart the color peach is revered as a color for longevity, in the west, amaranth is always used to symbolize immortality. The myth that supports this idea is that it is believed in Ancient Greece that the plant amaranth in which this color derived from grew in Mount Olympus which is the home of the immortal ancient Greek gods.  The color is also associated with the Aztec god of war Huitzilopochtli. The Aztecs will celebrate with festivities where they dance and eat, sing songs of praises, and of course conduct ritual human sacrifices to revere the god. The color of human blood is associated with this color because of the human sacrifices. After the Spanish conquest, the rituals are substituted by the Christian celebration of Christmas. 

Color Psychology

The meaning of this color is closely related to the color crimson albeit with slight differences because of the softness of the effect of the color. It is an empowering color, it is exciting and energetic. It exudes a solemn grandeur that is associated with royalties and cardinals.  The main connotation of the color derived from its ancient significance. It is one of the symbols of immortality. It represents eternal life because of its beauty retained even after withered. The amaranth flower is beautiful and vibrant that it is also used as a gift. It represents everlasting beauty. Its allure transcends beyond death and decay.  This color is also associated with women as the boiled seeds of the plant are used in Ecuador to purify their menstruation. It also connotes everlasting love because it is derived from the flower of immortality which is used as gifts for lovers. As a romantic gift, the giver expresses his undying love to the recipient. Its beauty and supernatural associations of longevity support this idea.  It also signifies prosperity and good luck because it is also used as decoration and garland, its flower is celebrated throughout the ages by the cultures of Ancient Greece and Aztecs.

Use of the Color

This color is a lighter version of crimson that’s why it is often chosen as a color to stimulate the senses. The color itself renders a subtle aura that can be used in varying effects on different artistic media and will contribute a stimulating effect to an array of color combinations.  In graphic design, the use of amaranth is employed in several Call of Action design elements. The use of this color in websites engages the customers to take an action thus rendering it effective in marketing usage. Because it connotes action and movement, the use of this color in website backgrounds and graphics enforces active thinking upon clients thus entices them to buy a product or subscribe to an online service. In the overall design, we can complement this color with its complementary color light cyan (#55ffff). A color scheme of this color with a light cyan accent and creates a nice contrast when partnered with a light grey base. It gives a sense of balance to the overall design. Another idea is to pair this with the colors burgundy, blue, and gold to create a Meditteranean quiet summer vibe to your designs.  In interior design, use this color as an accent color to certain pieces to add a pop of color to a room with white walls and complement it with black-colored metallic furniture. This palette is gender-neutral and can be utilized in different ways. Just play with the combinations with certain neutral colors to achieve the desired look and you will come up with your personal taste. Another twist to this color is to add a deep purple to pair it with Byzantium or Tyrian purple as accents to a white wall to exude a feminine eclectic look to your interior space. In cosmetics, choose an amaranth lipstick color to command attention and create a bold and assertive effect to add to your overall dynamic chic look.