When it comes to OHS in a computer, it refers to the safety of the people involved in the computer and technology industries. The health and safety procedures are in place for preventing any hazards or risks within the respective industry.

Occupational Health and Safety Procedures (OHS Procedures)

There are several steps within this procedure.  You must know what you are dealing with or understand it to come up with a solution. To secure as many people as possible and prevent further harm, it is best to close off the area close to the hazard.  Make people aware of the situation, avoiding it rather than gathering around close by to see what’s happening. Again, the point is to keep as many people away from danger. If it can be cleared with ease and without hurting anyone, that should be done. There isn’t any need to close it off if it is manageable.  Then the hazard should be reported to the appropriate person, preferably someone with authority. This could be a teacher, a principal, or whoever is in charge. This will ensure assistance, and maybe they know who to contact or deal with a situation like this.

What is a hazard?

A hazard refers to anything that could potentially harm a person or people. This could be something that affects their health adversely. For example, it could make them physically ill. An example of a hazard that could take place in a workplace with computers would be frayed electrical cords. These are dangerous as they could electrically shock anyone that comes close or in contact with the cords. 

For Your Information

After the hazard area is cleared out and everyone is out of imminent danger, you can do something to reduce hazard incidences. Again, there is documentation that you should fill out correctly, which will allow you to assist in recognizing hazards. But, again, you will have practice, which will allow you to tackle such situations on your own. 

Safety Measures when it comes to Personal Computers 

A person can take some precautionary measures to protect themselves from any hazards or safety issues brought upon by computers.  It is advisable to wear shoes that have rubber soles. They would be non-conductive and lower the chances of getting an electrical shock or any similar accident. It is rather dangerous to work on components or devices that are plugged into their power sources. There have been incidents where the device explodes, and people are injured severely. Thus, it is better to err on the side of caution.  When a computer is turned on, the expansion cards shouldn’t be removed for safety purposes. Do not keep water close to your electrical devices. A simple spill can destroy these components for sure but may injure you in the process too. In addition, water and electricity do not mix well. These can interfere with the working of the electrical components, so it is better not to bring a magnet close or wear jewelry while working on a computer. 

What parts of a computer cause OHS Diseases?

Certain components or items that are on or near a computer contribute to OHS diseases. In addition, they are capable of causing physical illnesses and, therefore, shouldn’t be taken lightly.  According to an article, these components or things are usually because of computer desk chairs and the computer monitor. However, the CPU box, computer’s keyboard, mouse, and cable also risk people’s health.  Some employees work 9 hours a day on computers. As a result, people in the technology industry or those whose work revolves around using a computer often should be careful. 

Employees who use computers can become victims of high-risk diseases. The following is a list of diseases that are likely to be suffered by computer using employees:

Carpal tunnel syndromeRepetitive strain injuries (RSI)Headache-comp (Occurs due to eyestrain, poor posture, or even a bright lighted environment)Sicca-SyndromeAsthenopia 


OHS regarding computers refers to the safety that employers in the computer-related or technology industry have to provide their employees. There are guidelines and procedures put in place to prevent disasters or illnesses.  The main point is that this is for the well-being of employees. However, certain diseases and illnesses are difficult to prevent when caused by using a computer while your job is all about using computers. However, there are certain ways to prevent that and stay safe, which is advisable for those who use a computer for lengths at a time. There are five main parts of a computer; a motherboard, a CPU (Central Processing Unit), a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), RAM (Random Access Memory), and Storage.  The importance of OHS is that they protect employees by reducing any injury or illness in the workplace. They have their procedures and measures. The purpose is to keep people safe, but mainly to increase employee productivity.  In a workplace, it is the responsibility of the employers. They are responsible for ensuring the workplace is safe and that none of their employees’ health or safety is put at risk.