If you wonder whether or not Walmart allows its customers to return a TV that they had purchased recently, then yes, Walmart has a return policy. However, before you buy a television from Walmart, then you should know whether you can return the product or not. Walmart’s services are excellent, and if you want your TV returned due to some problem, then you can do that. But, the product should not be damaged because if the product is damaged, you cannot return it.  

Walmart’s TV Return Policy (2021)

Walmart allows its customers a return on TVs LCD, LED, OLED, and QLED types. But, to return a television, it has to be done within 30 days after the purchase as long as the television you bought is in crisp condition. You need to have all other accessories like the remote, legs, and a receipt with the television. Without them, Walmart will not allow you to return the tv, and it will only be hectic for you and Walmart. So, it is good to know all these things beforehand. Most customers do not have a piece of knowledge about the return policy of Walmart, and in the end, the process of returns takes a lot of time. So, do your research before purchasing a brand new television. However, Walmart has put some ease on the customers who wish to return their television because Walmart allows its customers to return the TV without the original box. Still, customers should carry the original packaging of the product.

Walmart’s 90 Days Return Policy

Most customers feel that there should be a more extended period of the return policy. It is where Walmart comes in because Walmart sometimes allows its customers a 90-day return policy. However, this is a rare case, and it can happen only with some particular circumstances.  If you have a product with a 90-day return policy, you can get it done if you have purchased it. The drawback will be that it can take a longer time for the return to get done. The recovery becomes much easier if you carry the receipt and all other pieces of equipment of the product.  If you want to return a product, you have to visit the store with the product you wish to return. After going to the store, if you talk to a floor staff member, ask them about their superior with whom you can speak.  If a supervisor is not available at the moment, you should speak with the manager in charge. If this does not solve your problem, you should launch a complaint about it to the Walmart headquarters.  The store manager in charge will try not to go into other tense situations and try to solve your problem immediately. So, it would help if you tried to be as polite as possible but effectively make your request.  Sometimes store managers or other supervisors working in a store are busy, and they might ask you to come back later on. When such cases happen, you should let them know beforehand that you want to return your television. Tell them to keep a note about it because they are the ones who are telling you to come back later.   


Walmart is a service-friendly store, and there should be no complaints about its service quality. But, all should be good from your side, too, so that you can get better return services from products purchased from Walmart.  If it is a TV that you have bought recently, then make sure that you know the return policies of the brand of your TV as well. Even if Walmart denies returning your TV, you can mention the guidelines laid down by the brand.  Ans: If you have bought a Tv set from Walmart or online, you will get a 30-day return policy. Most other electronics, along with TV, are exempt from Walmart’s 90 days standard policy. Ans: Yes, damaged television sets can be returned to Walmart within 30, not after 30 days of purchase. If you have purchased the product through its online website, you can return it via mail or go directly to the store. Ans: The following items cannot be returned to Walmart once they are purchased:

Gift cardsCell phone cardsMedicines Firearms AmmunitionsPepper sprayCD/DVDAlcoholDirt bikesVideo games and other gaming consolesSanitary products