For a person who wants to fix this, they can do this when they are at home. Some troubleshooting tips can be used by the person for the red light to be gone. Any person can do this at home, they just have to make sure that they don’t break any cables.

Types Of Red Lights 

There are a few troubleshooting tips that can help the person to resolve the red light on the router. There are many kinds of red lights that are Light up on the router. There are different techniques for troubleshooting with different types of red lights. The different types of red lights are;

Solid red lightFast blinking red lightSlow blinking red light

Solutions for each type of light 

There are different kinds of red light which are as follows and the troubleshooting tips also are as follows:

Solid red light

When there is solid red light, light up on the router. The reason behind the red light is that there is some hardware or software issue, this can be resolved very easily. 

Fast blinking red light

The first blinking red light on the router indicates that the person is having issues regarding the overheating of the router. The person needs to cool down the router for this the router needs to be disconnected from the power source for five minutes and let the router cool down.

Slow blinking red light

Slow blinking red light is quite normal, and the slow blinking red light is denoted due to the failure of connection of WPS, Wi-Fi protected setup. The percentage to make sure the router is connected to the Wi-Fi within two minutes.


Three types of red lights bring on the router. There is a red solid light that indicates the system or the hardware failure. Then there is a fast blinking red light which indicates the overheating of the router. Then there is a slow blinking red light which will indicate that the pairing of Wi-Fi or the WPS has been failed and the person needs to connect the Wi-Fi again. Frequently asked questions Question one: how can a customer reboot their Verizon router? Answer one: where is the simple way of rebooting the router. Which is as follows Question 2: How much time does it take to reboot the router.? Answer 2: The router will take up to 2 minutes to reboot, and the internet connection needs to be reconnected to the router. All this process will take about two minutes. Question 3: What color lights are normal to light upon the router.? Answer 3: The person needs to make sure that the route Lights must be lit up to white for smooth and normal functioning. This is quite normal as this indicates that the router is working okay and does not need your attention. Question 4: will resetting the router can Damage the router? Answer 4: This will not damage the router, all this will do is the router will be restored to the state it was bought from the store. All the Wi-Fi settings and the Wi-Fi passwords will be erased and the person needs to put back the last words again.