USPS just permits workers to wear particular kinds of shoes for wellbeing reasons since they invest such a lot of energy on their feet. The endorsed shoes for USPS laborers are dust-safe and water-safe and made of cowhide and calfskin adjoining materials. Endorsed shoes are likewise SR/USA named and normally dark with hued labels permitted. There is a lot of complexities in USPS’ shoe strategy, so try to look at the remainder of the subtleties and pictures!

USPS Shoe Policy

What Shoe Materials Are USPS Employees Allowed To Wear?

All shoes supported by the USPS for workers to wear are calfskin or cowhide neighboring materials like strong manufactured materials. Manufactured materials like material or nylon are not adequate materials for USPS shoes. Other shoe includes that are not considered USPS footwear are as per the following: • Heels more than 1 ½ crawls in stature or soles more than ½ inch high • Shoes with open sides, toes, or heels • Heels with steel taps • Sneakers, athletic, or running shoes aside from those with the fitting materials, or sandals • Any shoes that have gotten material on them • Shoes that are at this point not sufficient because of dilapidation To peruse more with regards to the security guide for USPS laborers, you can peruse the full USPS handbook.

Will USPS Employees Only Wear Black Shoes?

USPS representatives are simply allowed to wear SR/USA-named shoes at work. All SR/USA-marked shoes are dark with a couple of special cases, but USPS necessitates that shoes worn on the positions be dark. While the shoes USPS workers are permitted to wear are to a great extent dark, they don’t need to be dark. USPS representative shoes are permitted to have labels or tongues that are not dark, particularly as SR/USA named shoes have a green tag demonstrating that they’re SR/USA named.

What Are SR/USA Labeled Shoes?

SR/USA named shoes implies that the shoes are slip-safe and made in the United States of America. SR/USA named shoes generally have a green name on the shoes-on the off chance that they don’t have the green SR/USA name, they are not SR/USA named shoes, paying little mind to how they’re advertised. Assuming you don’t have SR/USA named shoes while working at USPS, if you get injured hands-on you won’t accept the laborer’s pay.

Where Can You Buy SR/USA Labeled Shoes?

The most effective way to buy shoes, or any uniform pieces besides, for a USPS position is through Postal Uniforms Direct, which you can view on the web. It’s probable simplest to search for and purchase SR/USA shoes online as it very well may be hard to stroll into a physical store and separate between SR/USA shoes and shoes that seem as though they could be SR/USA marked.

For what reason Do You Have To Buy SR/USA Labeled Shoes?

The most compelling motivation to stick to USPS shoe approaches is for security reasons. SR/USA marked shoes are by definition slip-safe and are additionally water and residue safe while offering great curve help and solace for long days on your feet. SR/USA named shoes are additionally great for the economy, as they’re made in the United States and assist with keeping up with and making occupations. One more valid justification to wear SR/USA named shoes is if you’re harmed at work. Assuming you’re not wearing SR/USA marked shoes when you’re at work and get injured, you can not guarantee specialist’s comp. To get familiar with working at USPS, you may likewise be keen on perusing our guides on the USPS direction, on the off chance that the USPS test is hard, and if USPS is a government job.


USPS is more necessitates that workers wear SR/USA marked dark shoes calfskin, or cowhide contiguous shoes that are slip-safe, dust-safe, and water-safe. Practically all SR/USA named shoes are dark, and USPS necessitates that shoe representatives wear be dark, except for the green SR/USA tag. USPS doesn’t take into account workers to wear any open-toed, behaved, or texture, material, or nylon shoes. Q1. Is there a clothing standard at USPS? Ans. Outfits are worm as indicated by their obligations. Q2. What is the essential stature of the shoes in USPS? Ans. Heels multiple and a half creep in stature or soles the greater part inch high, heels with steel tapes, any shoes aside from those with the proper materials, or moccasins, shoes that are presently not sufficient because of deterioration.