USPS Rural Carrier Associate is a part-time employment position at USPS. The holder of this position is responsible for safely collecting and conveniently delivering mail in rural and semi-urban areas for USPS and also performs other services as stated in their job description. 

About USPS Rural Carrier Associate


USPS sets up eligibility criteria that its Rural Carrier Associates must meet to be considered for an employment opportunity. Some of the applicant eligibility criteria are as follows

16 years with a high school diploma or 18 years and above Undergo and pass a drug screening test

Those who fail the drug test, or are not willing to take the test or found to have lied during the test are automatically disqualified.

Willing to undertake medical assessmentsU.S Citizen or is a permanent resident alien Must know basic English Pass entry examination provided by USPS 

USPS invites applicants via their email addresses to take an exam which determines whether the applicant will continue with the application process. 

Have a valid driver’s license with excellent driving skills 

The applicant submits their copy of the driver’s license and proves their skills passing the initial road test. USPS will provide them with additional training after hiring.  

Provide employment history if applicable 

If an applicant has been previously employed or is currently employed, they are required to provide their employment details to be used when conducting background checks. 

Permit criminal background checks and other checks 

The applicant must be willing for USPS to conduct any background checks on them. They should submit all the required information if tasked for the checks to be performed otherwise they will be disqualified for the opportunity. 

Veterans to attach proof 

Applicants who are veterans are required to show proof by attaching member copy 4 (only) of Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty or other proof of eligibility 

Valid email address 

The applicant must provide a valid email address that will be used for any communication between USPS and them. 

Salary package 

USPS offers Rural Carrier Associates a salary ranging from $19.06 per hour that will be paid to them after every two weeks.


USPS Rural Carrier Associate benefits from the following 

USPS Health Benefits Plan 

Immediately after being hired RCAs are eligible to join the plan 

Health insurance, dental and vision insurance, and Vision Insurance Program

RCAs are eligible if in one year after being hired they have not had more than 5 days break in service. 

Long term care insuranceAnnual leave and sick leave 

RCAs are eligible after 90 days of service at USPS. 

Full-time position 

RCAs are eligible to apply for RCA full-time employment after working nonstop at USPS for 1 year. 

Overtime payment 

To be eligible for overtime payment, the RCA must have worked for more than 40 hours per week.  

How to apply?

The applicants are required to apply for Rural Carrier Associate at, submit all the required documentation, and do the entry test examination.     USPS provides qualified applicants with accommodation if requested and approved.  

Duties and responsibilities 

Below are the duties and responsibilities of the USPS Rural Carrier Associate. 

Sell stamps and money ordersDeliver mail to customers on their assigned routesPack mails in vehicle Sort mails for routes givenReceives mailsPrepare mails for delivery Return uncollected mailsPrepare a report on their trips daily Keep customer lists per route assignedKeep inventory of stamps Working hours and days 

Working hours for RCAs depend on the office and the route they are assigned to. Working days include weekends, holidays, and on-call.

Background Check 

USPS performs background checks on all the qualified RCAs applicants. This might include 


A qualified candidate that fails the test or is not willing for the check to be performed on them is disqualified.  A criminal background check may be done on the applicant’s area of residence, employment locations, and the school where one attended.   


Employment checks are done to confirm the eligibility of the applicant’s years of experience and reasons for leaving. 

Vehicle Required

RCAs are to use their vehicles to carry out their duties. The vehicles must be insured and in good condition. 


USPS prides itself in providing equal employment opportunities to people of all races, gender, or Disabilities. Its employees are working either permanently or part-time, providing a source of livelihood to their families.