The article below contains more useful tips and facts about why USPS accounts are disabled, so be sure to check it out if you don’t know what happened.

Disabled USPS Account – What Does It Mean?

To understand what the problem is in the first place and why your account may be disabled, let’s take a look at why it might be disabled in the first place. You can no longer log in to the USPS’s online platform with your login credentials when your USPS account has been disabled. By losing access to USPS’s online services, you will no longer be able to track packages, make changes to your address, or start a mail hold.

Why does the USPS website disable my account?

In response to the information provided to you above, now that you have a greater understanding of what you can expect when your USPS account is disabled, you may be asking yourself why this frustrating situation occurred in the first place. Let’s take a closer look at each of the reasons below as to why your account may be disabled (temporarily or otherwise).

1. Logging in incorrectly too many times:

It is common for USPS accounts to be disabled due to repeated login attempts with incorrect credentials (username or password). Security and safety online are very important to USPS, as they are to most sites. USPS may even take it even more seriously as a government agency! On USPS’ website, you get five attempts before your account is disabled, but you’ll get a warning before then if you’re approaching your limit. After five failed attempts at hacking your account, USPS will disable it. Making sure to avoid errors such as incorrect spelling and capitalization will help you avoid the possibility of having your account disabled for this reason. It is also a good idea to click on “Forgot My Password” if you have attempted to log in unsuccessfully a few times rather than attempting to remember your password on your own. If you don’t go through the verification and change your password, you may have your account disabled, which is annoying.

2. More than one USPS account created for a single address or user:

Usps generally enables only one account to be created for the same mailing address (or at least for that specific individual receiving mail at that address). As a result, the chance of an account being disabled increases when multiple accounts of the same person are created at the same address. USPS is equipped with a set of automated systems that work to identify such behaviour and clamp down on it. One of the main reasons for this feature is that USPS is always on the lookout for any type of mail fraud. Any unauthorized individual should not be allowed to have access to, or control over, how the mail is delivered. Sometimes, this fraud-prevention system can produce false positives. You might not know if someone with a similar address created another account with your address if someone made a typo. There isn’t much you can do to avoid someone else making a typo, but you can check if there are multiple accounts attached to your address with family members or anyone else living in your home. You may want to delete all but one of them so you don’t have to worry about being disabled.

3. Inactivity for a long period:

The United States Postal Service is pretty lenient when it comes to inactive accounts. The account may be inactive for many years before it is disabled it can be inactive for many years. To prevent this from happening, it is very unlikely, though it may happen occasionally, that inactivity leads to your account being disabled due to inactivity. You never need to worry about having your account disabled because of inactivity if you use your account at least once a week (or even monthly).

4. USPS’s backend system has a glitch:

An error or malfunction may result in the deactivation of your USPS account. In these situations, you have no choice but to wait, as USPS will probably fix the issue as soon as possible.

5. Unusual behaviour:

A final reason why your account may be disabled is if there is suspicious or illegal activity, whether it involves your creation of the account or how you interact with the platform. USPS’ platform should not disable your account unless you are a victim of hacking.


Reactivating your USPS account is a relatively simple process. The chances are that you will be able to handle it without the assistance of a USPS representative in most cases. There are a large number of mailing services that can be accessed through USPS’s online platform. It’s unfortunate that this also entails the fact that when your account is disabled it’s also likely to be equally as debilitating.

Frequently asked questions:

My USPS ID is not working. What do I do? In case you forget your Account username, you can get it emailed to you by going to the Account sign-in page and selecting “Forgot your username?” Enter your email address to get your username emailed to you.